Welcome to Mini-Rays Winter 2023

Nick Munsell

Mini-Rays Families, 

We are so glad to have you joining us for the  winter season. Please see the links below to help you get started. Attached you will find the Week Ahead (practice schedule) for the first two weeks.
For those of you who are new to the team, we send out a weekly email, similar to this, with reminders and any updates to the schedule. Please be sure to review the Week Ahead document weekly as there are events at the pool from time to time that we need to work around. For example you will see that our first week back we have Home meets on Wednesday and Saturday. Mini-Rays will not meet on Wednesday and their practice time will be a little earlier on Saturday. 
Please also review the links below and let me know if you have any questions about the season.  
  • Practice Schedule Outline - This is the schedule we will follow if there are no conflicts for the week. The Week ahead Email and schedule will list any adjustments to the outline from week to week. We also have a calendar you can view on our website and subscribe to. (Note: anything more than 2 weeks out is not necessarily finalized.)
  • Sc Meet Schedule - Mini-Rays will attend our Intrasquad meets the next one is scheduled for 2/11. 
  • Kit List - Items listed for the Mini-Rays group are required and they need to have them each day for practice. 
  • Apparel - Nothing here is required but you are welcome to order clothing if you like. We do HIGHLY recommend that they have a competitive style suit, it can be the team suit but it doesn't have to be.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions. 
  • Administrative "dry side" questions (billing, registration, meet entries) can be directed to Nick, [email protected]
  • "Wet side" questions (practice, attendance, anything in the pool) can be directed to Coach Alan [email protected]
  • If you are not sure just reach out. 